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Brad Littlejohn

Brad Littlejohn is a fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center. He also serves as president of the Davenant Institute.
Articles by Brad Littlejohn

The Stubborn Persistence of Conservative Religion in American Public Life

Liberals like Hollinger may never particularly like the direction in which evangelical Protestantism points, yet they are likely to find intel­lectually engaged Protestant conservatives easier conversation partners than the Dionysiac ideologues who have increasingly seized control of the progressive Left. Regardless, despite ongoing claims of secularization, the prospects for renewal of American public life, for conservatives as well as for liberals, will continue to depend in large part upon the intellectual health of evangelical Christianity…

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Nationalism or Conservatism?: Lessons from 1912

Conservatism today stands at a crossroads. Throughout its long history, conservatism has sought to hold together a commitment to both a substantive vision of the good—family, faith, and nation, a free community of virtue—and to a sustainable means of securing it—the rule of law, limited and accountable government, secure individual rights. At the best of…

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“Over-Mighty Subjects”: Big Tech and the Logic of Feudalism

For nearly three decades, conservative orthodoxy has summed up its central objective in the mantra “starve the beast.” Although Grover Norquist may have been exaggerating slightly when he said he hoped to make government so small he could “drown it in the bathtub,” his sentiment certainly captures the myopic obsession of the GOP during the…

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Individual and National Freedom: Toward a New Conservative Fusion

The 2011 hit series The Newsroom begins with a memorable scene. A panel of pundits is asked by a sorority girl to say “in one sentence or less, why America is the greatest country on earth.” The liberal smugly answers, “Diversity and opportunity.” The conservative, without blinking, responds, “Freedom and freedom.” The second answer speaks…

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